ISSN 2520-6265 (print)

ISSN 2520-6273 (online)


Y. B. Maksymenko, DSc. in Psychology,
Professor of the Department of General and Differential Psychology,
K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
ORCID: 0000- 0002-5732-9478
I. М. Murmanova, Master in Practical Psychology,
K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
ORCID: 0000-0003-0110-6264

Article Information
Issue: 1(21) 2024, pages: 93-109
Language: Ukranian
Received: 21.01.2024
1st Revision: 26.01.2024
Accepted: 27.01.2024


The article presents the empirical study on the psychological characteristics of addiction developed under the influence of modern information technologies. «Addiction developed under the influence of modern information technologies» means a condition characterized by subjective mediation of activities with exaggerated, active and long-term use of IT-tools that can lead to loss of control over life and appearance of social, professional and personal problems. This condition manifests itself in various forms, such as addiction to the Internet, video games, social networks, smartphones, etc. and via various symptoms, such as disinterest in real life, anxiety and stress without access to IT-tools, loss of control, etc. People with such addiction experience changes in their consciousness under the Internet influence, perceive that this network is more attractive than real life; they limit their interaction mainly to online communication.
This affects the duration, as well as the variety of activities in the Internet; it is perceived as projective reality; a desire appears to subjugate the real world to the norms inherent in the virtual environment. Such people have high motivation and efficiency in the use of information technologies, but at the same time, they have some difficulties in controlling their emotions while using the Internet. It is proved that their personal traits (low self- esteem, impulsivity, isolation, frustration, uncertainty about innovations, etc.) create psychological conditions for increasing dependence on modern information technologies. Psychologically, the respondents having high dependence on modern information technologies are characterized by high motivation to use IT-resources, wide online communications, a tendency to long-term interactions in the network subculture, perception of the Internet as an important part of subjective reality, awareness of IT-tools using, limited ability to control emotions, low self-esteem, impulsivity, isolation, frustration, uncertainty and radicalism.

Key words:
addiction, perception of the Internet, information competence, impulsivity, uncertainty, radicalism.

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