A. B. Kovalenko,Doctor in Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
ORCID: 0000-0001-6458-5325 Researcher ID: O-7330-2019
E. Yu. Hryshchuk, PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
ORCID: 0000-0002-4890-0994
S. V. Sharapa, student of the 4th academic year of «Bachelor» level
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
ORCID: 0009-0004-9552-1083
Article Information
Issue: 1(21) 2024, pages: 51-77
Language: Ukranian
Received: 09.02.2024
1 st Revision: 15.02.2024
Accepted: 18.02.2024
The article presents the study on the social identity of forced migrants from Ukraine. Social identity is considered as a complex phenomenon, an individual’s internal dynamic structure that appears and functions basing on a sense of belonging to certain social categories.
Describing themselves, Ukrainian forced migrants indicated their family, educational and professional roles, group affiliation, local identity; they also showed signs of communicative, active and reflective identity. Perspective identity was absent and social roles significantly predominated individual ones, which indicated a strong tendency to self-protection, fear of self-disclosure, insufficient confidence. Integration was dominant acculturation strategy. At the same time, the respondents had low life satisfaction.
The sample was divided into to groups: adapted and non-adapted respondents. Adapted people indicated mainly their family, educational and professional roles, group affiliation; they felt physical and social security, had positive attitude towards others, a sense of belonging to a new society, were ready to cooperate with it; they used an integration strategy. When describing themselves, maladapted people preferred to describe their interests, passions, competences and abilities; they experienced strong internal disharmony aggravated by the feeling that expectations related to social or professional position could not meet, low self-esteem, a sense of hopelessness, helplessness in the face of life’s difficulties; they used the marginalization strategy. Situational characteristics, roles or statuses frequently mentioned in self-descriptions by adapted people were related with low indicators for complicated types of adaptation - depression, nostalgia and alienation. Their social identity was related with the most adaptive and productive integration strategy. The characteristics of their social identity were related to conditionally objective criteria of life satisfaction. The characteristics of maladapted people’s social identity were related with maladaptive types – conformity, depression, alienation, with a positive assessment of the external, formal characteristics of one’s life, and related negatively with life satisfaction, experience of life events and the desire to change it. A common tendency for the studied two groups was that situational identity related only weakly such maladaptive acculturation strategies as segregation and marginalization.
Key words: social identity, acculturation strategies, types of adaptation, life satisfaction, forced migrants.
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