I. V. Zhadan, PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Senior Researcher, Chief Researcher
at the Department for Psychology of Youth Political Behaviour,
Institute of Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-5274-574X
Article Information
Issue: 1(21) 2024, pages: 40-50
Language: English
Received: 27.05.2024
1 st Revision: 01.06.2024
Accepted: 07.06.2024
Emotions determining the political identification of young people in different regions of the country were considered in the context of the prospects for post-war integration. The place, functions, indicators of emotional representations in political identity were determined. The empirical study was carried out with the subjective scaling method, the obtained data were processed using the mathematical statistics methods, including factor analysis. Results and conclusions: Political identification of the youth form the central and eastern regions is stipulated by experienced belonging to the country, its culture and history; it of the youth from the north is stipulated by experienced belonging to the culture, gains and losses of their people; the youth from the south builds their political identity by positive interaction with people of other regions; the emotional identification of the youth from the west is based on the experienced belonging to their region. Students form the northern, eastern and western regions are mainly oriented towards the ideals of socialism with some liberal ideas. The young people from the centre are impressed by liberal ideas, which does not prevent them from passionately striving for justice and equality. The political sympathies of the southern respondents are ambivalent. We associate the prospects of the post-war integration of the youth community with such features of students’ political identification as: subjective attitudes; a sense of the ability to adapt quickly to the customs of any region; absent prejudices regarding the values and attitudes of people form other regions; absent discomfort while being in other regions. Integration processes are threated because young people do not trust authorities and state bodies, are not oriented to expert opinion; absolutize the value of an individuality («an individual is more important than the state»); accept simultaneously opposite ideals, without worrying about their incompatibility; are intolerant to sympathizers of other political forces and an expected hostile attitude from them.
Key words: emotional dimension, indicators, political identification, regional and national identity, features of determination.
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