O. P. Sosniuk, PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Associate Professor (docent),
Social Psychology Department,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
ORCID: 0000-0002-7558-8879 Researcher ID: W-2633-2017
O. O. Baratiuk, MPsych (Master of Psychology),
Faculty of Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
ORCID: 0000-0001-5365-5914
Article Information
Issue: 1(21) 2024, pages: 158-174
Language: Ukrainian
Received: 19.04.2024
1 st Revision: 23.04.2024
Accepted: 25.04.2024
This article is devoted to analysis of connection between civic identity and hardiness of Ukrainian student youth. According to the results of empiric research authors have defined the peculiarities of civic self-identification, civic competence and hardiness of students.
It was determined, that the most prevalent types of civic identity among the researched are latent and communitarian, less distributed, but salient - institutionally-gamified and communitarially-gamified.
Statistically significant positive correlations between hardiness and different aspects of civic competence, such as responsibility, attitudes, skills and abilities, participation and knowledge were discovered. The highest correlation was found between hardiness and civiс participation.
Distinctions between manifestations of civic competences of youth were discovered. Indicators on scales of civic attitudes, social connections and civic participation are statistically higher for students, who are temporarily displaced, in comparison with students, who remain at permanent place of residence.
The existence of statistically significant relationship between collectivist orientation and hardiness was found.
Statistically significant correlations between indicators of hardiness, level of maturity, and type of civic identity were established. Hardiness has positive correlations with maturity of civic competence, subject orientation, conceptuality, cognitive, value-based, and behavioral engagement. It was determined, that students, who have communitarian type of civic identity have significantly higher level of hardiness, in comparison with students, who have latent type of civic identity.
It was discovered, that subject orientations, civic skills and abilities, collectivism, personal competence, social responsibility and types of civic identity (institutionally-gamified, latent, communitarian, communitarially-gamified) predictors act as predictors of hardiness of Ukrainian student youth.
Key words: civic identity, types of civic identity, civic competence, hardiness, self-identification, student youth.
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