N. U. Remesnyk, , graduate student
of G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine
Article Information
Issue: 1(19) 2023, pages: 132-144
Language: Ukrainian
Received: 02.04.2023
1 st Revision: 08.04.2023
Accepted: 12.04.2023
The article describes the program correcting the self-perception of people with overweight. Modern society and mass media offer a slim body as an ideal to strive for. The social networks increase this pressure on those people who do not meet this ideal. If a person fails to achieve an ideal slim image he/she suffers of a lowered self-attitude, feelings of guilt and shame for one's own body, his/her relationships with loved ones become worse and his/her self-acceptance decreases. In turn, a person tries to overcome these bad emotions with the help of excess nutrition. We offer a program that is primarily aimed at strengthening a person's self-acceptance, developing his/her abilities in the emotional sphere and teaching self-help.
The correctional program is based on the principles of the humanistic approach to people's nature, the Positive Psychotherapy approach proposed by N. Peseschkian (since 1977) and used in counselling and psychotherapy and the psychodynamic approach. Approbation of the program showed its high efficiency.
Key words: overweight, eating disorders, psychological well-being, body image, self-acceptance, positive psychotherapy, correctional program.
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