Welcome on the site of “Ukrainian Psychological Journal”! We invite you to publish the results of your researches.
Ukrainian Psychological Journal was founded in 2016. The journal is published at least 2 times a year.
Founders: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Psychology.
Editor in chief - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor, dean of the Faculty of Psychology
of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Danyliuk I. V.
Languages: Ukrainian, English.
The Journal is on the List of specialized scientific editions of Ukraine on psychology
(Order № 374 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 13 March, 2017)
Ukrainian Psychological Journal is indexed in International scientometric bases:
INDEX COPERNICUS (IC) (since 2017), GOOGLE SCHOLAR (since 2017).
Topics of journal: all fields of scientific psychology.
The articles written by doctors of science, PHDs, post-graduates and other scientists/researches, who have university degree are accepted to publication. Editorial has rights to review, edit, reduce and reject the articles. The author is responsible for the authenticity of facts and statistics. Reprint of journal materials is allowed only if you have permission of the author and the editorial.
Address of editorial office:
2-a, Hlushkov prospect, of.201, Kyiv-03187, UKRAINE
E-mail: upj.editorial.office@gmail.com (for correspondence), knu.soc_psy@ukr.net (for submission)
Tel./Fax: +38 044 5213509
Tel.: +38 044 5221648
2-a, Hlushkov prospect, of.201, Kyiv-03187, UKRAINE
E-mail: upj.editorial.office@gmail.com (for correspondence), knu.soc_psy@ukr.net (for submission)
Tel./Fax: +38 044 5213509
Tel.: +38 044 5221648